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Evolving With You

Updated: Mar 4, 2022

At Evolv, we understand the pressures of wanting to achieve your goals and the challenges that life throws at you, that's why we're on this journey together. We welcome you to our community, giving you a sense of belonging and a feeling that you are not alone.

Leon Neill, the CEO & Founder of Evolv, his mantra has always been 'Effort in, Reward out'. This can be applied to everyday life whether that be with family & friends, work life, home life and of course achieving your fitness and wellbeing goals.

So, taking the next steps on your health & wellness journey can be a real personal matter, but it is something to take huge pride in. We all know that there is no better investment than in yourself.

Some of the first steps to take are, deciding how much exercise you can do each and every week. It is always best to set realistic expectations, ones that you will be able to stick to, rather than setting aside a particular night for example that has a strong possibility of something “cropping up”. We all know how busy lives can be, but if you look at your whole week, you will be able to carve out a few slots here and there that you can stick to. You can always add more days or sessions in the future. Ideal would be 3 times a week, but if you cannot spare 3 slots then something is of course better than nothing. Just think there are 168 hours in a week, we are looking for just 3 to start with over 3 different days.

Once you have decided on when, then it’s a case of “what”. There is no point picking a physical activity for example that your friend does, if you believe that long term you won't love it yourself, as you will simply will stop doing it. Pick something you enjoy, often people do more than just one type of activity, for example they go to the gym 2 nights a week but at the weekend go for a run. Maybe the run is with your local running club to spur you on, or simply a couch to 5k type goal.

Now that you have chosen which physical activity, it is important to look at your diet. This is always the most difficult part to get right, why? Well because it is actually 70% of your new healthier lifestyle, and that can feel like a lot of pressure. The key is again to make it as manageable and enjoyable as possible, select the healthy foods you like (high in protein and low in fat) and list them on a piece of paper with all your favourite fruit & veg. From this make up a weekly meal plan, shop for this plan as you are far more likely to stick to it then, especially if you meal prep the night before.

This is where Evolv plays its part in your life, we know it is very difficult to get all you require from food alone, due to time constraints, busy lifestyles etc. So using high quality supplements from Evolv helps you achieve those nutritional goals; we sit alongside your fresh food and give you the support and balance you need. Whether that is a protein shake to get that important protein intake after exercise, a pre workout drink to give you that extra push and boost prior to your exercise, or a fat burner supplement to help speed up your metabolism. We are here with you on your amazing journey, because TOGETHER WE EVOLV.

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